Two and a Half Mile Walk




We are lucky with the footpaths in our parish: here is a suggested walk of

about two and a half miles which takes in some pretty ones.

(Please note that this is not a suitable route for push-chairs, or for dogs unable to hop over stiles!)


From the School, go down to Mill End, where the road bears left towards the river bridge take the footpath straight ahead between Ebenezar Cottage and Appletree Cottage, keep right where it emerges from between the gardens. Cross the stile and go between the ditch and the evergreen hedge to reach the road at South End.


Cross into Cornpits Lane, and pat the bungalow on your left climb over the stile and go diagonally across the paddock to the stile in the far corner. Go straight on up to the sprayed-out footpath to the edge of Ashridge Copse, over the stile and cross the gravel track diagonally into the little footpath up through the wood. At the top, turn left and follow the top of the hill until you reach the steep meadow with lovely views across to the church. Make for the telegraph pole and the stile into the steep pasture down to the Daggons Road.  


Cross the road diagonally to your left and go between the bungalow and the metal barn on to the footpath straight across the field to The Common.

Turn right on the gravelled roadway and just before the gate of Damerham Fisheries take the stile on your left. Cross the stile and bridges until you emerge into a large field. Turn left and follow the path carefully until you reach a metalled roadway.


Where the road bears left towards the Mill, take the track on the right which will lead you up to St. George’s Church. Go through the churchyard until you reach Church Lane, and turn left back down to the school.

Printable instructions and map
Two and a half mile walk_down.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [324.9 KB]

Parish Pump and the Courier - latest editions

Pump July 24.pdf
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Pump May 24.pdf
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Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]
Parish Pump March 24.pdf
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Parish Pump Feb 24.pdf
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January 2024 Damerham Pump.pdf
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Damerham Pump December 2023.pdf
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Parish_Pump_November_23 (1).pdf
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Parish Pump October 23.pdf
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September 23 Damerham Pump.pdf
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Damerham Pump August 23.pdf
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Damerham Pump July 2023.pdf
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Damerham Pump June 23.pdf
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Pump May 2023.pdf
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Parish Pump April 23.pdf
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Parish Pump March 2023.pdf
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Damerham Parish Pump Feb 2023.pdf
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Damerham Parish Pump Jan 2023.pdf
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See the latest edition of the Parish Pump for forthcoming events (link above)


Damerham Welcome Pack

Welcome Pack- updated version 29.8.23.pd[...]
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